Friday Hacks #193, September 18

Posted on by Chaitanya Baranwal

Date/Time: Friday, September 18 at 7:00pm
Venue: Online on Zoom
Zoom Link:

How does it look like working as a Fintech developer?

Talk Description:

In this talk, the speaker would like to share his experiences working as a developer in the Financial Industry. He will discuss questions like:

  • What is a consulting developer’s life like?
  • What are some domain knowledges one should learn as a Fintech developer?
  • Is project documentation a waste of time for a Fintech developer?

For the hackers who like to see code in action, we will walk through a sample real-world consulting project using microservice design.

Speaker Profile:

Eric graduated from NUS majoring in Computer Science in 2015. His professional experience mainly aligns with the financial industry (DBS, Fintech startup –, GIC). Occasionally, he will share his learning and findings at his personal blog (

API Design Patterns

Talk Description:

As software systems become more complex nowadays, designing stable, reliable, and easy-to-use APIs has become challenging for many people and organizations. In this talk, we will discuss the standards and best practices in designing APIs, some interesting problems in the space, and how we build, which summarizes Google’s API design decisions. We will also go through the importance of open source and walk through some ideas behind

Speaker Profile:

JJ Geewax is a software engineer at Google who focuses on API design, real-time payment systems, and cloud infrastructure. JJ is a member of the Technical Governing Board of the Mojaloop Foundation ( and is responsible for overseeing the development of He is also the author of two books: Google Cloud Platform in Action ( and API Design Patterns (

See you there!

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